Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Response to Joan's Blog #5


This doesn't surprise me at all. And, sadly, because I still participate in that kind of thing. I used to play golf and when my husband would hit a terrible shot, I would say, "Does your wife play too?." When he would putt and the ball didn't reach the hole, I would say, nice shot, Alice. Somehow it doesn't seem as awful to say that to a man. Also, we would go to our local public course and get matched up with another twosome. If it was two guys, I could practically read their minds: Oh, Gosh, we have to play with a girl? We'll never get out of here. Then I would hit my tee shot and their mouths would drop open and they would look stunned. I mostly outdrove guys I played golf with but it was unexpected. I wasn't insulted - I was just proud of myself.


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