Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Response to Nik

Nik (or is it Nick?)
I thought that Freud was a cocaine addict but there were a couple/few of his theories that some psychiatrists still follow - I thought the Oedipal/Electra Complex was one that people still believed in - and that was his theory? But you are right - his influence is amazing for a drug addled man. But, you know, he talked a lot about sex and peoples ears prick (no pun intended) up when they hear sex. I don't know that much about him or his theories except the possible one above. I recently saw something somewhere - I can never remember where - that said there are quotes out there (on the internet, in our lexicon) that are attributed to the wrong people and we just keep perpetuating the incorrect information that it becomes what everyone perceives is the correct information. Very scary but true. So although Freud may have been a nutcase or drug addict, or completely on target, we'll probably never know.

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